
サラリーマン川柳 Senryu that salary man makes

風邪引いた チームメンバー 密着会議 ・・・、(笑) A team member who catches a cold attend the meeting together in the office. ・・・Ha-ha.

石川啄木系川柳 It seems like a senryu that Ishikawa Takuboku makes

深夜店員 あいつもしてると 思い出す 追伸;じっと手をみる・・・系ですよね??? I recall a late-night clerk works , too. P.S It seems like a *senryu that Ishikawa Takuboku makes*.

サラリーマン川柳 Senryu that salary man makes

コメントの フォローのつもりが けなされる I intended to follow the comment, however my colleague denied that.